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Canbus theft scandal

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As a two Lexus owner and recent purchaser of a late gen 1 NX300h I’m kicking myself and reading with mounting horror that somehow I missed the RAV4, ES, RX, NX canbus theft fiasco despite doing what I thought was extensive research for a nearly new used vehicle from various premium brands and deciding on the NX based on reliability, comfort and the dealer after sales service. Outside of owners forums, the criminal fraternity and a few articles this issue seems have been kept a dirty secret by Lexus and to make matters worse the Lexus (as a brand) attitude seems to be a two fingered, not our problem, fob off to affected and potentially affected owners of vehicles subject to this theft method. A theft method made unjustifiably easy by poor design by the manufacturer and it appears they are making every attempt to deflect and avoid responsibility for. Sadly this appears to be the modus operandi for Lexus (the brand) when faced with inconvenient problems of their making that owners suffer for.

Although class actions have been mooted it appears the most likely method owners of affected vehicles can gain satisfactory redress to safeguard their valuable possessions as far as possible and to a level expected of a brand whose vehicles start at £40,000 and go up significantly from there and where even used models are between £20,000 to £35,000 from authorised dealers is to kick up such a very public fuss that it has the potential to become Lexus’s Ratner’s prawn sandwich moment.

Although not generally available from a casual internet search and often actively hidden by larger corporates and brands it is relatively easy to establish the full corporate structure, senior and board officers and obtain personal contact details for most large organisations that prefer to remain obscure. Lexus will be no different and it really is wasting time dealing with a ‘customer service’ mouthpiece. That is exactly what they want. Obfuscate, wear down, evade and hopefully the energy and anger will dissipate and the problem quietly go away without doing anything.

Should my NX300h be stolen due to canbus theft I am an educated, assertive, persistent and vindictive retired man with plenty of time on my hands and I will make it my mission to make sure Lexus’s refusal to provide a remedial fix for a problem entirely of their own making and they are fully aware of will be their Ratner’s prawn sandwich moment. I will sell my Lexuses, never purchase another one as has been the attitude of some of the more aggrieved owners on this site already inconvenienced and out of pocket due to canbus theft and make sure this does not remain concealed from the general public who think Lexus is an aspirational and desirable brand to own with high customer satisfaction. There is no point keeping this issue under wraps. The criminal fraternity and organised crime gangs are already fully conversant with canbus theft so owners are not disseminating anything that would cause them further significant damage.

I would be interested to communicate with other Lexus owners who are concerned about this canbus theft issue, who have been fobbed off so far by Lexus UK Customer Services with such nonsense as use a steering lock deterrent, owners who have suffered and are now ex Lexus owners and who intend never to purchase another Lexus again due to the experience and those who have communicated with Lexus executives or organisations such as Which, mass media generally or similar rather than waste time with Lexus UK Customer Services.

As a cohort existing Lexus owners are generally more likely than the average brand customer to be educated, affluent, assertive, pro-active and have useful skills and contacts. If Lexus wants that sort of customer for its premium priced vehicles, but chooses to insult and ignore them when not convenient for the brand as far as I am concerned it should expect to die by or at least be seriously financially damaged by its own sword and arrogance.

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Well done you!  I am very much like you. I never give up.

This Canbus saga is looking increasingly like the Post Office scandal which isn't ending well for the PO.  I am just grateful that my 2006 RX350 isn't affected and I have decided to keep it for another few years until I can replace it with a post 22 model which, I understand would be free from the Canbus risk.

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The Canbus risk was so serious I felt there was no choice but to offload an ES that was only one year of age and take a near £5k loss. The Lexus position made me lose all faith in the ability and ethics of the UK division. There is a strong case for a class action here and eventually it is likely to come to fruition. Karmic consequences are pending for Lexus UK and Chris Hayes....

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Lots of pressure groups seem to have success purchasing a few billboard advertisements - and then getting the media to cover them, multiplying the visibility and impact many times over. 

A strategic purchase near some Jemca Lexus branches ought to be a good start (Jemca is owned by Toyota) and perhaps get the attention of the right people.  

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Hi Andy

Like you I have just purchased a late example of the 300h, and am also a double Lexus owner as we bought a UX300e a few months ago.

I did know about the Canbus attacks prior to purchase, and figured that at home at night is when our cars are most vulnerable, and so have been garaging the UX.

My garage clearing skills do not amount to getting another car in the garage, it was already an impressive feat to make room for one but with a trailer and other stuff it’s not possible to get the NX in too.

Just taken delivery of a Disklok which will not stop the determined thief but should deter the average chancer. We are in a quiet village and I noted that in the next street there are two NX’s, one of which has been there for years. Hopefully we are low risk.

I am also fortunate to be able to park next to the garage keeping the passenger side front wheel arch inaccessible.

When I purchased the NX I asked Lexus about CAT theft, and they assured me the NX and UX were not vulnerable to this. She told me that the CT was highly vulnerable to it and they kept all their CT’s locked away at weekends. She actually then volunteered the canbus theft issue, going on to say only the RX was being taken.

For the sake of £500 a Ghost 2 immobiliser might be a cheaper and quicker fix than taking the fight to Lexus. Yes the wheel arch may get damaged but the car can’t be taken then and that gives a certain peace of mind.


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It was this whole shebang that made me glad I did not get into buying an ES300.

Does make one wonder what the situation is Japan or USA is, as usually this kind of vulnerability travels across the whole of the 'criminal community' with speed.

Kind of reminds me of the radios being stolen saga back in mid to early 80's then the industry finally got off it's butt and started coding radio.

Agree that from what I am hearing Lexus seem to be putting their fingers in their ears and going 'La La La De Da'

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Like others I emailed about Canbus thefts. I sent it late on xmas eve (there was nothing on the telly 😉 ) On the 27th I got a call from my local dealer to say the protection plates were ordered and once in stock would be fitted FOC. 

About an hour later, i received an email from LEXUS UK outlining the plates were ordered, recommending a 2nd immobiliser (at my cost), and basically saying they could not address all "types of attack and theft". So whilst I agree they could and should do more, they are responding somewhat. 

I did see that JLR have a program now to update the internal bus security for their cars that are affected. I would have though Lexus ought to be following suite and developing encryption and having a very public recall. I did suggest this to them, they never mentioned it in their response.


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37 minutes ago, fezman said:

So whilst I agree they could and should do more, they are responding somewhat. 

Not if you own an ES, there are no protection plates available and they confirmed, in their email to me after mine was stolen, that they have no plans to do anything regarding the ES.
They  cannot foresee every problem that might rise in the future but a premium car having such vulnerability should be cause for concern. The reason I am finished with Lexus IS solely down to their inaction regarding the ES.

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The £10m JLR are spending seems quite cheap to me and I suspect they have a significantly higher sales volume in the UK than Lexus.

If nothing else they could do a deal with one of the 3rd party products such as Ghost at a fraction of the cost a retail customer would pay.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I’ve been waiting to see what threads and responses there have been about CAN bus theft on the forums and digging on the web before making a second post.

It’s a grim picture and I’m now regretting buying another Lexus, but am stuck with the consequences and keeping my fingers crossed. The car is great even if Toyota GB / Lexus isn’t.

A not inconsiderable sum has been spent on the fitment of after market security and purchase of the hugely inconvenient Stop Lock Pro Elite, - (a Lexus recommendation akin to suggesting a sticking plaster to fix a severed leg) an unattractive and deeply un-aesthetic decal to stick on the passenger wheel arch trim warning the car is theft protected without going into detail so I might have some hope of finding the vehicle where I left it without the wing and arch lining ripped off.

The Stop Lock Pro Elite as recommended on the Lexus PR page to beleaguered owners does not even fit a Lexus steering wheel properly! After only ten days use there is a permanent indent in the steering wheel where the body of the lock rests on the soft texture steering wheel covering. The blade presses down on the lights/indicator stalk potentially causing damage, so the stalk needs to be pressed down to the left indicator position every time the Stop Lock is used. Even in its bag, the Stop Lock slides around the rear seat footwell during driving banging into the base of the seats and the bottom of the rear door interiors.

Is this what owners of ‘premium’ vehicles should expect to put up with?

Of course whether insurance will be affordable next renewal, maybe shooting up 2-300% or possibly even un-insurable is another matter.

After market security products should be an option for the owner wanting additional peace of mind that the vehicle is as secure as it can be made, NOT and I repeat NOT an absolute necessity if they want a reasonable chance of their vehicle remaining where they left it because the manufacturer’s design means they might as well leave the keys in the cup holder and doors unlocked for anybody to take. Worst of all Toyota GB / Lexus division are actively avoiding doing anything about a serious problem to owners entirely of the manufacturer’s making.

There were 44,564 Lexus registrations between July 2016 and November 19 in the UK, (source: Statista  Research). All highly vulnerable to CAN bus attack, because of the manufacturer’s design. Plus obviously more units registered post Nov 2019 subject to CAN bus theft, but I do not have these figures.

Many of these will still be under warranty; many will have been resold as used approved through the Lexus dealer network.

How many owners is that with a problem vehicle? 60-70,000 in the UK.

Separate, isolate and exterminate seems to be the Toyota GB/Lexus plan of action to ignore owners. As distressing, financially damaging and inconvenient this has been and could well become for so many Lexus owners, individually and even as contributors to these forums we might as well go into our gardens and scream at the back wall until red in the face for all the notice Toyota GB/Lexus division management will take.

And for those who have made comments along the line of ‘’ I’ll wait until the next gen before buying, that’s meant to be secure’’ I ask after you have spent £50-70,000 on a brand new vehicle, what happens if a serious problem in its design or electronics occurs down the line and the Toyota GB/Lexus response is, ‘’not our problem’’ are you going to just take it on the chin and say ‘’oh well it’s only money, no matter the manufacturer attitude has cost me £5-10-15-30,000, what’s the next shiny, but flawed offering you have so I can waste another ton of money?’’

Restitution for existing Lexus owners via legal routes such as class action is impractical and costly. The only way Lexus owners will get the aftercare and remedial action to significantly reduce CAN bus vulnerability, rising theft numbers and unaffordable insurance premiums on their vehicles is to make this issue so embarrassing and widely known about for Toyota GB/Lexus that they have no option, but to fix the issue and the manufacturer’s expense or suffer such reputational damage that it costs them new car sales and market share in the UK.

As a cohort of owners it’s not easy to achieve, but it is possible, as individual owners shouting into a closed box restitution is impossible.

I am willing to be a speck of dust around which a thunderstorm develops as it were. I’ll set up an email address and platform around which owners can coalesce, (with appropriate security so it is not a database of cars to steal) so we are not individuals, nothing more harmful and easily swatted than single midges, but an angry swarming cloud that cannot be ignored. Anyone who has been to Scotland in peak midge season will know what I mean.

Out there will be owners with mass media and other useful contacts, PR skills, promotion skills, etc., etc. Many won’t be bothered and wait for someone else to fix the problem- human nature, but out of the few thousand on this website and the 70,000 odd UK Lexus owners there may be enough coming forward to make a difference. Get in touch.

This site purports to be for the benefit of owners and not affiliated to any manufacturer, therefore I ask the site owners to put the CANbus theft scandal topic link on the front page in a prominent position and allow a link to contact details until Toyota GB/Lexus division takes this matter seriously and provides a manufacturer’s fix to all affected owners. I ask other site users to request this of the site owner. If they will not, then why not? Maybe this sites owner would like to work with me for the benefit of Lexus owners on this issue. I have no interest in creating a rival Lexus site or taking forum member details for commercial gain.

Below are a few other web links to articles about CAN bus and Lexus theft of interest:

The CANIS Automotive Labs CTO blog from Dr Ken Tindall has an interesting article on CAN bus theft

I’ve extracted the sections of the article I find most telling, but I would recommend reading the whole thing.

The dark web site selling the CAN injector theft unit states all the following Toyota Group/Lexus models are vulnerable ‘’ Lexus models including the ES, LC, LS, NX, RX and Toyota models including the GR Supra, Prius, Highlander, Land Cruiser - and RAV4.’’

‘’Defeating the CAN Injector First, the good news. A CAN Injector can be defeated, and it can be defeated with a pure software fix, so existing cars can be updated and once again we can avoid fitting a mechanical steering wheel lock at the end of each journey.’’

‘’ Ian (the person who’s RAV 4 was stolen) has tried to get in touch with Toyota to discuss the CAN Injection attack, and to offer help, but hasn’t had much success. Part of the problem is that any large corporation finds it difficult to respond to security issues.’’

Are we heading for this level of theft levels of our vehicles? – ‘’Nearly 20% of Lexus SUVs stolen in Aichi Prefecture.’’

Is this the way Lexus is going to be treating owners from now on? ‘’He wanted to keep his Lexus from being stolen. Now he faces a $20K bill and voided warranty.’’

Maybe we need a few more articles like this in UK mass media?  ‘’Here's Why Canadians Might Want To Skip Buying A Lexus RX. Lexus RX Series has the highest chance of being stolen in Canada with a theft percentage of 6.4 percent.’’

Is this what is in store for Lexus owners starting in 2024? ‘’ How Range Rovers became virtually uninsurable. Thefts of the car have risen so much that affordable insurance is just not possible.’’


No doubt the PR department of Toyota GB monitors this website for grass roots owner feedback and as an early alert to brand reputation issues and feeds this back through the corporate structure by a reporting mechanism.

So this comment is directly to:

Mr Scott Michael Thompson, Managing Director Toyota (GB) PLC, Director Lexus (GB) Ltd

Mr Matthew Peter Harrison, Chairman Toyota (GB) PLC,

Both at Great Burgh, Burgh Heath, Epsom, KT18 5XS, i.e. the Toyota / Lexus UK HQ.

Dear Mr Thompson, Mr Harrison,

I appreciate as a manufacturer/distributor Toyota GB/Lexus has no interest in the owners of Lexus vehicles after a brand new unit is registered other than trying to get them to spend another £50-70,000 on a brand product three years down the line and to try to entice customers from other manufacturers to purchase your brand instead of Porsche, Audi etc.

Your model relies on maintaining and enhancing brand reputation. Right now Lexus brand reputation and owner experience among existing owners is severely damaged and getting worse.

As owners of within warranty, very often purchased as used approved vehicles from authorised dealerships we expect Toyota (GB) / Lexus to correct a severe deficiency in the design of your vehicles that renders them highly insecure. Such PR page nonsense as use a visible deterrent such as Stop Lock is woefully inadequate and inappropriate to remedy a issue solely due to the manufacturer’s design.

These vehicles are targeted because a: they are desirable, b: they are very easy to steal. Both factors are required; both are as a result of manufacturer design.

We want a DVLA manufacturer’s recall during 2024 for all affected Lexus models, i.e. ES, LC, LS, NX, RX and possibly UX for main dealers to fit physical CAN bus security to the particularly vulnerable CAN bus connection located near the passenger front wheel arch as has been done for RX and any software updates that would prevent the CAN bus being a set of unauthorised keys to steal and drive away Lexus vehicles at will. This will be at no cost to owners, many of whom have to put up with the ugly, inconvenient Stop Lock and have spent considerable sums on after market security as a critical, absolute necessity to have, not just an aftermarket nice to have extra.

At present Lexus as a brand is purchased by consumers for comfort, materials quality and because of reliability reputation. Something built up after the last twenty years. You have been successful in keeping the CAN bus theft issue of Lexus models largely out of the public sphere so far. For how much longer with 70,000 odd potentially very disgruntled owners in the UK that may find their vehicles at the top of the UK 2024 and 2025 most stolen lists and whose insurance as a result will increase by 200-300%, if insurable at all.  

I hope you take a lesson from Lancia, as you will be aware an otherwise excellent, driver orientated marque, driven out of the UK by its reputation for corrosion and if mentioned now only remembered for being a rust bucket. Is that to be Lexus’s fate when vehicle security is discussed?  What do people know about the SC430 now? Most people know it’s the worst car ever made, even though in reality it was one of the best of its time.

Audi’s tagline is Vorsprung durch Technik, BMW’s the ultimate driving machine. What is Lexus’s going to be for 2024 and beyond? -  

Was it stolen?

The choice of thieves

Uninsurable, Unsellable, stolen, never again!

Or are you going to address the CAN bus issue affecting all 2014-2023 models and is it going to be?

Lexus - joy for life

I will also write personally to these two gentlemen and publish the response- or not as the case may be. I urge all Lexus owners with NX, RX, ES, UX, LC and LS models to take 30 minutes or an hour to write directly to these individuals to complain about Toyota GB / Lexus ignoring the growing CAN injection theft issue.

I will also write to the named board members of all the authorised Lexus main dealerships in the UK. I will start including their details on this thread. Toyota GB/ Lexus may not care about owners after a brand new unit is registered, but the organisations that have invested substantially in the infrastructure to sell new, used approved and maintain Lexus vehicles might start getting upset with Toyota GB/Lexus if the brand reputation gets so poor due to this mis-handled CAN bus issue consumers start steering clear of Lexus products.

Anyone for a JLR now? They can barely be given away, they certainly can’t be insured for a reasonable amount, if at all, even through JLR’s own insurance scheme!! Is that going to be the fate of Lexus?

The more of a public fuss is made, the harder it gets for Toyota GB / Lexus to fail existing owners in its duty of care for its vehicles and the more its reputation degrades.

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Anybody thinking a steering lock will put off the ‘opportunist thief’ would be incorrect. If the thief is carrying canbus hacking equipment he’s serious - see below - Disclock fitted, NX videoed being stolen in under 3 minutes.

What I would like is an official Lexus recall for all affected cars, exactly as JLR have done, to allow Lexus to fit canbus plates, upgrade canbus system protocol or even just fit a bl**dy Cat 2 immobiliser worth less than a couple of hundred quid. Unless all cars are protected, none of us are protected. The recall data is available, it just needs someone high up in Lexus UK to start reading the room.

This has to be done sharpish, otherwise insurance will become impossible,  meaning cars will become impossible to sell, in turn meaning dealer stock values will go through the floor along with Lexuses carefully curated quarter of a century’s reputation for customer service.

There have been at least two new members recently asking why they hadn’t been told about RX canbus plates BEFORE their cars vanished. That’s two ex-Lexus owners among many many more. Lexus need to read the forums. The RX, NX, UX, ES and LC forums all have similar threads detailing similar problems. We need a recall, with a solution for all cars, not just the high profile RX.

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On 1/5/2024 at 10:53 AM, fezman said:

Like others I emailed about Canbus thefts. I sent it late on xmas eve (there was nothing on the telly 😉 ) On the 27th I got a call from my local dealer to say the protection plates were ordered and once in stock would be fitted FOC. 

About an hour later, i received an email from LEXUS UK outlining the plates were ordered, recommending a 2nd immobiliser (at my cost), and basically saying they could not address all "types of attack and theft". So whilst I agree they could and should do more, they are responding somewhat. 

I did see that JLR have a program now to update the internal bus security for their cars that are affected. I would have though Lexus ought to be following suite and developing encryption and having a very public recall. I did suggest this to them, they never mentioned it in their response.


Lexus have plates for the RX. The rest of us get nothing.

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This topic seems to be going around in circles with no new information being added.

Also, some members on here are getting rather militant in their posts...

For me, there is only one true course of action:  You have a choice of what car to own, so if this issue bothers you so much, choose to no longer be a Lexus owner.  A significant drop in sales - and perhaps a flood of used cars that aren't selling - is the only thing I can see actually making a difference.  Do you think JLR did what they are doing for owners' benefit?  No, they are looking after their own interests as the negativity the issue was causing no doubt was beginning to hurt their sales forecasts.

As for how much money you might lose trading in your car now, it depends on how much this issue affects you.  Peace of mind is worth paying the price...

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thanks eightk.

spread the noise if you can.

the Toyota/Lexus response is outrageous. As I said originally, if my car is stolen I'll make sure Canbus injection becomes a Lexus prawn sandwich moment.

A manufacturer's recall in 2024 for ALL models for free upgrades is the only acceptable option to me.

This is brewing up to be worse for Lexus than it is for JLR.

Are you getting this Mr Thompson and Mr Harrison?

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14 minutes ago, Shahpor said:

This topic seems to be going around in circles with no new information being added.

Also, some members on here are getting rather militant in their posts...

For me, there is only one true course of action:  You have a choice of what car to own, so if this issue bothers you so much, choose to no longer be a Lexus owner.  A significant drop in sales - and perhaps a flood of used cars that aren't selling - is the only thing I can see actually making a difference.  Do you think JLR did what they are doing for owners' benefit?  No, they are looking after their own interests as the negativity the issue was causing no doubt was beginning to hurt their sales forecasts.

As for how much money you might lose trading in your car now, it depends on how much this issue affects you.  Peace of mind is worth paying the price...

I sincerely hope I’m classed as being in the militant camp 😎

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Yes, Exactly, this topic is going round and round because its conveniently divided over several forums and topics.

Don't bother contacting Lexus Customer Relations. You are completely wasting your time.

And yes of course JLR didn't do the recall for the benefit of owners. They selfishly did it because the brand reputation is being trashed, sales have declined and dealers are complaining. That is exactly how and the only way Lexus owners with models made between 2014-23 are going to get the canbus issue fixed on our cars.

I don't want another car, other than the canbus issue its exactly what I want. I want Toyota / Lexus to fix their canbus vulnerability so I can use and park where I want a car I now feel like I've wasted £30k of my hard earned money on. It's just the same as every other Lexus owner wants and is entitled to expect. These were bought with warranty from main dealers, not off Dodgy Jon's back lot or out of a shipping container in Africa.

Lexus- uninsurable, unsellable, stolen, never again

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I agree Lexus/Toyota need to act and fast.  I recently had a attemped theft of my 2023 Lexus ES (will be footing the bill for damage out of my own pocket). I have no idea if the 2023 ES has encrypted can-bus or not, and the thief does not know either. This will result in owners of all cars having  insurance premiums needless be increased. Being a new owner of a Lexus branded car I am disapointed in how this is being handled, but then I don't think Lexus is that good at customer care based on my initial purchase experience after delivery. I chose this brand as I thought they had a good reputation, oh how wrong I have been.

All companies experience problems of some kind, the true test is how they sort to these problems. History shows that companies that fail their customers don't last long.

Maybe their slogan can be "Buy a Lexus , the worst financial decision of your life"


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12 hours ago, macdoir said:

I agree Lexus/Toyota need to act and fast.  I recently had a attemped theft of my 2023 Lexus ES (will be footing the bill for damage out of my own pocket). I have no idea if the 2023 ES has encrypted can-bus or not, and the thief does not know either. This will result in owners of all cars having  insurance premiums needless be increased. Being a new owner of a Lexus branded car I am disapointed in how this is being handled, but then I don't think Lexus is that good at customer care based on my initial purchase experience after delivery. I chose this brand as I thought they had a good reputation, oh how wrong I have been.

All companies experience problems of some kind, the true test is how they sort to these problems. History shows that companies that fail their customers don't last long.

Maybe their slogan can be "Buy a Lexus , the worst financial decision of your life"


Front bumper/wheelarch/headlamp damage? Just a guess…

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So to lighten a serious topic what do owners think the 2024 tag line for Lexus should be?

Something snappy so the general public all know it instantly even though they have never owned or been in a Lexus. Much like everyone the world over knows the SC430 is the "worst car in the world" because Clarkson said so.

How about:

Lexus - I had one once

Lexus - want it, steal it

Lexus - we've had your money, now get lost.

Or I'll start a few model specific ones on the model forums.

RX - great MPG -6000miles in a shipping container.

Please contribute freely. Not doubt owners can think of more pithy and witty Lexus tag lines than mine. Best suggestions will be forwarded to Toyota hierarchy.

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4 hours ago, eightk said:

Front bumper/wheelarch/headlamp damage? Just a guess…

Yes, put the plug back in the headlight myself not sure if securing clips broken as it did not click in. Holding off on wing and bumper repair as it will happen again.  For a 6 month old Takumi not to look its best is a shame, but don't want to keep shelling out on repairs if this trend continues. 

While Lexus are poor in sorting this security issue, its the lack the law enforcement having a deterrent to curtail this type of crime is the real scandal. I have worked for companies that have trackers in their vans and equipment, but when stollen police don't want to get involved despite being given an active location of attached tracker. Needless to say the vans were never recovered after the trackers were disabled in the proceeding day.

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So basically, its already started. Lexus has the can bus curse.

Kiss goodbye to £10K,  £20K, £30K, £40K on anything bought at a Lexus dealership, brand new or used approved  over the last 12 months.

A triffling amount, petty cash even if you are a Toyota fat cat.

Hideously painful if just an ordinary Lexus owner.

Regretting buying mine now. I'll see how things pan out, but for my next car Lexus will be bottom of my list unless there is an all owner 2024 recall to deal with the can bus theft scandal.

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I think the insurance is the worse bit. I bought the V6 new last year, planning to keep this until the end of ICE's. In that case depreciation is not a big thing because 15 years down the line, who cares for a few pounds more or less.


But paying £3K a year in insurance or having an uninsurable vehicle, is a different thing altogether

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