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Car tramlines and pulls to the left under braking

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After small accident (passenger wheel got hit by other car and I hit the kerb with driver side) my car now tramlines pulls to the left under braking. The question I have is how to properly identify the issue and get it documented as obviously "drivers at fault insurance" should be covering it? Solicitor looking after my case told me that in case the fault can be identified I would be supplied with another car straight away as my one would be considered undrivable. Been in few local garages i.e. Halfrauds, Kwik-fit which does the alignment, but they don't want to get involved, story goes along the lines - "we can align your wheels if you want, but we won't be checking/diagnosing/documenting any faults with drivetrain". As I understood they are simply lazy as I don't need anything fixed (they must not fix anything if I want it covered by insurance) or maybe it is liability thing if they miss anything.

Anyway they advised to go to body shop with "jig" where they can check geometry... but I don't know any such shop around and even then it sounds bit like telling me to bugger-off as "jigs" are usually used to check for chassis/body geometry and not something like bent track rod or similar - any advise? 

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I had what appeared to be minor damage to my IS300h when it was hit on rear offside wheel. There was very little panel damage BUT the entire rear suspension was all knocked slightly out of kilter. It was nearly £6000 damage. 

Basically the suspension did it's job and absorbed all the kinetic energy of the collision. That is why car needs to be properly checked at a reputable bodyshop. 

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Thank you both, 

I am kind of going trough insurance, sort of partially -  I am not going to go in details how insurance is fraud nowadays... The third party liability goes via my insurance i.e. they simply informed that it is not my fault and has all details of third party (TP)  in case TP would make a claim against me (long story). My damages get's claimed directly from TP insurance via solicitor (say.. claim management company), because they offer better condition then my insurance i.e. like for like courtesy car, cash settlement with option to fix anywhere I like etc.

They are happy to inspect the car, but until it is proven to be not-road-worthy I would not get courtesy car 9 (~3days) and I need car at the moment - so in this case they advised me to get it inspected myself and they would provide courtesy car based on inspection from any garage (kind of dodgy I know, but trust me - not as bad as my legitimate insurance).

Anyway, I don't want to claim something what isn't true against TP, but neither I want to fix suspension myself - even if that would prove to be just wheel alignment issue.

Few pics just for taster 😄


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28 minutes ago, Herbie said:

If you're going through insurance then let them find a place and tell you where to take it. That way, any 'liability issues' are taken care of.

I agree.

 You can't "partially" go through insurance.....not sure what you mean ?

Let your insurance deal with it Linas, that's why you pay the premium.

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That is what I thought as well, but it is not the case and this was obvious to me in many instances in the past. And in general I agree, but that is not how it works...

The conditions from my insurance are as follows - pay £975 upfront before assessment OR £0 but then it will be considered as non-fault claim against my no-claims, it will take 2-3 weeks to fix it, they will provide me with compact car i.e. Nissan Micra and you will find out how much it costed to fix your car afterwards, then they will "TRY" to recover excess from TP insurance (why do you MEAN TRY!?). By the way I have car hire cover, which should provide like-for like replacement, but apparently that is only in case my car is write-off. Then it might take 3-9 month to recover excess... assuming TP insurance going to "AGREE" to pay it (how could they disAGREE?!).

That doesn't satisfy me at the slightest:

  • I want to know exact extent of damage and what they going to fix upfront
  • I pay Lexus premium, but get Micra courtesy?! ( not actually surprised, just not acceptable)
  • I have to pay upfront (450 voluntary excess, 450 mandatory excess, 75 "handling" fee) in non-fault accident and then wait for a while to get it reimbursed.
  • And the whole language "try", "if they agree" etc. what is the point of legal requirement to have insurance if then TP insurance company can disagree to cover excess. Or otherwise it can be covered on non-fault claim = -1 NCB.

So that is why I am not going with them. I just feel it would be immoral (never-mind fraudulent) to go some dodgy garage and get them write whatever astronomical damages on piece of paper for £30 without even properly checking! Sorry about whinging, but is there any other way to get suspension inspected myself i.e. any specialist in accident damage around East London/Essex?

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To take your last point (and easiest) first, yes, of course - just go to any reputable bodyshop of your choice and ask for an estimate. But note, proper accident repair specialist, not Kwik-fit, Halfords etc.

As for the insurance, I absolutely HATE car insurance but we have to have it so we just have to get on with it. I don't agree with this particular aspect of it but I do acknowledge that a 'standard' policy doesn't cover the excess and that's why they always encourage people to take out 'legal cover', which is specifically used to chase out of pocket expenses and excess.

If you don't have this extra 'legal cover' then your chances of getting your money back are almost nil, but if you do have it then use it. As Steve and I said earlier, that's what insurance is for.


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Also linas I'd tell your insurer your not happy with how they are handling it and tell them you will be InTouch with the insurance ombudsman.
Then ring the insurance ombudsman...

That will get more movement going forward than a hornet being locked in your car with said telephone minion .

Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

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I do have legal cover, but that only means that they "will try" to get excess back (I guess without it they won't even try), "if TP insurance going to agree" to cover it... would that be my fault I understand that is what "excess" is for, but in my opinion for non-fault accident that is not even questionable. Anyway that is not the point, I am not using my insurance for claim as I am not keen on getting into "premium" Micra... 

Ombudsman is more for cases where you get stupid valuation - as far as their conditions are going, they follow the contract, nothing new there. Obviously, the next question why did I sign the contract if I knew that in case of accident I pretty much going to be on my own... - that is because I don't really have choice, insurance is legal requirement and most of affordable covers will be similar.

@Herbie - I guess that was my key question, does anyone know such "reputable" body shop in Essex/East London, worst case Kent? As for halfrauds - they are just across the road and they do alignment, so my guess what they they can as well tell when it is "off"... but I guess it was long shot to ask them for inspection.

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I had what appeared to be minor damage to my IS300h when it was hit on rear offside wheel. There was very little panel damage BUT the entire rear suspension was all knocked slightly out of kilter. It was nearly £6000 damage. 

Basically the suspension did it's job and absorbed all the kinetic energy of the collision. That is why car needs to be properly checked at a reputable bodyshop. 

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Just did simple alignment check (to justify full suspension check) and as expected it was way out, both front wheels facing right (left toe in, right toe out) and steering angle is way out to the right beyond measurement.


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having had the above done can they re-align it all ok ?  or not ?

If they can then maybe that's all the issue is !

If not then you probably have that unforgiving more serious problem to resolve


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I have asked them to leave as it is, because if they fix it... then it is fixed, insurance won't cover it and any hidden problems will remain unchecked. This was pretty much just a step for me to prove that suspension needs to be looked at and it is not only the cosmetic damage.

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On 8/8/2018 at 2:00 PM, Linas.P said:

Just did simple alignment check (to justify full suspension check) and as expected it was way out, both front wheels facing right (left toe in, right toe out) and steering angle is way out to the right beyond measurement.


Had mine done this week.

Never had it done before on this car.

Lots of RED.

Now lots of GREEN.

Money well spent.

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Wheel aliment car transform handling of the car - I remember getting my current car first time and it was kind of "ok" handling, did alignment and it was like different car, planted, predictable and wear on the tyres was unbelievably even - Dunlop Sportmaxx RT's lasted nearly 40k miles. As such every time I get new tyres alignment is in must have list. On old tyres however is less beneficial, doesn't stay aligned for long.

BTW I am now fooling around in this:


If you ask me to honestly tell what I prefer, not considering the price - would prefer my old IS250 over this thing any day! On other hand - what I am complaining about?! what was my other choice? It was Micra!

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Might sound like a strange move but have you considered taking it to Lexus?

If you are getting no joy from your insurer of theirs and no one is telling you what or where you should do to resolve the investigation into the damage on your car, Lexus would be your best bet. Let your insurer know and it may kick them into touch in them realising they need to get their finger out.

Might be a good point to let us know who your insurer is so it gives a good basis of selection when other people become due.

I was with Admiral when I had my accident and cant fault there service.

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....Also, be careful as if the wheels were not as standard on your car it will more than likely be classed as modified and it may be a way for the 3rd party to wriggle out of their payout.

Shame about the damage on the wheels as they look like a nice set.

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My insurance does not allow to choose the garage, as for claims management company - yes I can get quote from anywhere I like, if I choose to get it form Lexus I can get it from Lexus. I am insured with eSure, but I don't think their service is any different from any other insurance company, previously I was insured with Bell (part of Admiral) and they are exactly the same - it is corrupted industry - there are no worse or better insurance companies - they are all bad. 

It might sound surprising, but I don't want to inflate the bill for 3rd party above what I consider reasonable cost of repairs and Lexus price would certainly be above reasonable. I had dent on the same panel in the past and asked Lexus estimate - they wanted ~£1200 just to fix that one panel, so damage like this would make it beyond reasonable repair/write-off.

As for wheels that is not entirely true, my insurance can refuse to pay for the wheels if they are not standard and were not declared as modification, but that is only true if I would claim the costs from my insurance. In this instance - I am not claiming any costs from my insurance, my insurance has nothing to do with the case at all - they been notified, I did what I have to do under contract and I told them to keep it "notification only". My claim management company will do estimate and just post it for third party insurance to pay without even asking what they think - the only question here is to prove it was not my fault, which was quite obvious from dash-cam footage.

Secondly, third party insurance would be under pressure to agree the price and pay ASAP, because rental car costs are ticking every day - the longer it takes for them to agree, the more it will cost for them. + I will not be asking for wheel replacement, only refurbishment (~£500) so really it makes no difference - any 18" wheels would cos the same to refurbish.

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1 hour ago, Linas.P said:

the longer it takes for them to agree, the more it will cost for them.

Only if they loose ...

I'm guessing the claims company get paid irrespective of the outcome?

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18 minutes ago, NemesisUK said:

Only if they loose ...

I'm guessing the claims company get paid irrespective of the outcome?

Claim company is getting paid commissions from car-hire and claim handling fee which is legal fee they can claim from party at fault, that is all - I checked all closes and there are no circumstances where it can backfire - except if I lie about something or if I would be found at fault (both are impossible).

The claims company only takes "non-fault" clear-cut cases, which are obvious to win and this way minimises their risk. Basically, I sent them evidence first, they reviewed it and only then approved the claim - if it would have been unclear circumstances, no evidence, potential 50/50 fault (like on roundabouts), they would not take it.

Actually, that is my first claim and so far can only see good sides, I will see how it goes - if it works this time, I would never ever use insurance claims process again.

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9 hours ago, Linas.P said:

are no circumstances where it can backfire

don't be quite so certain ...........

my Honda Legend was the subject of a claim from a 3rd party's Claims Management Company ......  long story BUT in the end they just simply passed it over to their clients own insurers AXA who then had to start the negotiation process all over again ........  no damage whatsoever to my Honda Legend ...........  this was from February 3rd 2017 .......  doubt it will be settled anytime soon, well, not this year at any rate AND I doubt the 3rd party will win anything from anybody .... had they been hiring a car etc they would be well broke ! As it was, they had their damage repaired and paid for it themselves at the time BUT coz they were fully comp their insurer actually paid the bill .......  likelihood of recovery of anything from my insurer is just about a big fat zero


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I guess depends on the situation .. who was at fault? You? They?

If it was you why your insurance declined the claim then? Is this not fraudulent and unlawful? They not claiming anything from my insurance or me, there is not even any clause like that as a possibility. If TP insurance going to decline I will simply sue them, sue TP and if CMC going to try to pass costs back I will sue them as well... I am actually quite happy to sue people and do it quite often (real story :D).

Furthermore, I have reported TP for police for failing to "stop and report", so that is other avenue which I can pursue if the rest fails.

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My car was deemed uneconomical repair...

The cost of repairs is £3847, whereas estimated value of the vehicle is £3360 - they reckon "at its current condition" vehicle is worth £505 😄

I am trying to understand what this suppose to mean in real terms, but probably that means - they pay me the difference between remaining value and and what it is worth (£2855) and I would keep the car with salvage title, presumably Cat-C.

I am trying to get my head around this now and calculate what is the best solution, still need to approve the valuation and claim....

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