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I Hate Bonfire Night

Dim Tim

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Just a rant, sorry prople!

I hate bonfire night, well, the two week period spanning 5th November. It seems that not a night goes by without some fireworks. I realise that everyone has the right to enjoy themselves and I wouldn't want to put a damper on that but must it span two whole weeks? Tonight has, not surprisingly culminated in a crecendo lasting 2 hours so far and I know there will be another week of it!

I guess apart from the effect of the noise disturbing us people, the effect it has on our two cats is horrible.

Two years ago this January we adopted a cat from the RSPCA, there was a lot of work to do because he had been abused and mistreated, amongst many, many other issues, he would flinch each time we reached out to stroke him.

A lot of patience and care, we managed to get him to trust us and he comes when called, sits, shakes a paw and does a high five. OK, it takes a few cat treats but ... All the neighbours play with him and fuss him now.

Here is a video Some people have to wait untll the video has downloaded before they can watch it so please be patient.

Right now he has hidden himself away and I know we will have to be extremely patient with him to gain his trust again.

Rant over, Sorry people!

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Just a rant, sorry prople!


A lot of patience and care, we managed to get him to trust us and he comes when called, sits, shakes a paw and does a high five. OK, it takes a few cat treats but ... All the neighbours play with him and fuss him now.

Here is a video Some people have to wait untll the video has downloaded before they can watch it so please be patient.

High five? High four surely?

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It lasts for about a month where I am - a week before haloween till a week or two after bonfire night... drives my dog nuts. Luckily he just wants to get out and kill the fireworks - they don't really upset him. My previous dog hated them though - she didn't know where to put herself.

The thing that really gets me is the utter waste of money. Just take a few seconds to tot up in your head how many thousands of pounds are literally just set fire to... it's obscene really.

Saying all that, there is still something very satisfying about setting them off...

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We lost our old Labrador back in July but she hated fireworks (would not have made a gun dog!). She would go into the corner and try to dig a hole in the carpet. Thunderstorms often kept us up with her in the night.

She was a nightmare, but we still miss her and her brother.

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Very sad Spacewagon, my sympathies.

There is a house not far from ours which must buy the more "commercial" fireworks. There is a very loud bang and then an explosion up in the sky where the stars, pretty colours etc show. This happens every second or two for about 2 minutes, a pause of maybe 30 seconds then it starts again. This goes on for about an hour. The next night the same.

Last year they started at past midnight. I got into my car (although as the crow flies just 100 yards or so but by road its 1/2 mile) and went to confront the man but I was beaten there by someone else who was complaining to the guy in his driveway. I stayed in the car and watched. Another guy simply walked up to the offender, smacked him in the nose, turned and walked away!

I'm not against people having their fun, but it is sooooo invasive every year.

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We used to give our dog Rescue Remedy (fireworks / thunderstorms) - it did calm her down to some extent and we were told by a vet that it would not harm her.

Might be worth considering ..... it got my daughter through her 4th driving test!

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Have to agree with all of the above. Fortunately our dog is not too bad, just gets a little twitchy.

I think that restrictions on fireworks should be introduced, something along the lines of Bonfire Night and/or the nearest Saturday night, New Years Eve only.

These events seem to be much too drawn out these days.

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