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OH MY WORD! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

I know we could be called fanatical as members of the Lexus Owners Club, but at least our subject matter is real and not fantasy!

At least it has restored my faith in the old expression...........................]

Theres nowt queerer than folk!

Stu :hehe:

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Lately I have seen posts about uniting the Jedi and asking what the word Jedi means to others. But when I think about it, I think does it really matter? It is a word with different meaning to different people, yet that one word still unites us all, regardless of side or aspect.

We all live up to the title we go by as we see fit. No matter what side, aspect, or way it is perceived. Whether as a faith, religion, or just something to aspire too, we live by what we believe and by our own defintion of words. So does it truely matter what others see the word Jedi as? Now don't get me wrong, I am all for questioning and learning different points of view, anyone who knows me will tell you that. I am always questioning, searching for a universal answer hidden under different views and words with different meanings.

Because we use words from a movie, does that mean we have to wear robes or build lightsabers(even though some do because it is fun, myslef include)? And because we see things different and go to different sites and live in different areas, does that mean we can't unite under the word Jedi or the Force for that matter? And because society is ignorant of us and most do not understand us, does that mean we should keep quiet and stay hidden, only to be Jedi on-line?

Many say unite, I am united. I am united with myself, I am united with the Force, I am united with the Jedi, I am united witth all the sites I go too, I am united with everyone who calls themselves a Jedi and means it. Are you? Or do you need a place to go, either on-line or inperson or both? If you do then I can give you places to to go. On-line, The Jedi United at (takes awhile to load up) or my site The Jedi Resource Center at thejediresourcecenter.hom.../main.html Okay but what about in person? E-mail me, I'll give you an address where we can meet, or if you need a reason I'll send you a business ad for a camp ground that has small summer camps(really a Jedi meeting ground).

Do I sound like an ad for promoting sites or giving my camp ground business? If I do good, I want you to think that. I want you to think you do not need a site or meeting place to be united, because you are already united under a word, a title. Meeting each other and being at the same site is nice and I would like to see it happen, but it is not needed. I a Jedi in my heart and nothing can take that away. I will always be a Jedi and I will pass on what I have learned from all of you. Because I have learn something for all of you, even the quiet ones and I am united with all of you. I do not need to be online to be a Jedi or to teach others or to be united. Be a Jedi is something in your heart, something that you feel in everyday life, something that your not afraid to share and stand with another person about. If you do not think the Jedi are united, then you are missing the big picture and doubt yourself. Yes, you doubt yourself, you doubt unity, and you doubt the Jedi.

Need futher explantion? Then leave your questions and doubts, and I will explain better on them. As always this is merely my point of view and I welcome your comments. It allows me to expand on what was not clear and add that which was left out. So, what doubts or comments do you have?

May the Force be with you in your quest.



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Lately I have seen posts about uniting the Lexus and asking what the word Lexus means to others. But when I think about it, I think does it really matter? It is a word with different meaning to different people, yet that one word still unites us all, regardless of side or aspect.

We all live up to the title we go by as we see fit. No matter what side, aspect, or way it is perceived. Whether as a faith, religion, or just something to aspire too, we live by what we believe and by our own defintion of words. So does it truely matter what others see the word Lexus as? Now don't get me wrong, I am all for questioning and learning different points of view, anyone who knows me will tell you that. I am always questioning, searching for a universal answer hidden under different views and words with different meanings.

Because we use words from a car, does that mean we have to do mods or build lightbrows(even though some do because it is fun, myslef include)? And because we see things different and go to different sites and live in different areas, does that mean we can't unite under the word Lexus or the LOC for that matter? And because society is ignorant of us and most do not understand us, does that mean we should keep quiet and stay hidden, only to be LOC on-line?

Many say unite, I am united. I am united with myself, I am united with the LOC, I am united with Lexus , I am united witth all the sites I go too, I am united with everyone who calls themselves a LOC member and means it. Are you? Or do you need a place to go, either on-line or inperson or both? If you do then I can give you places to to go. On-line, The Lexus United at (takes awhile to load up) or my site The Lexus Resource Center at theLexusresourcecenter.hom.../main.html Okay but what about in person? E-mail me, I'll give you an address where we can meet, or if you need a reason I'll send you a business ad for a camp ground that has small summer camps(really a LOC meeting ground).

Do I sound like an ad for promoting sites or giving my camp ground business? If I do good, I want you to think that. I want you to think you do not need a site or meeting place to be united, because you are already united under a word, a title. Meeting each other and being at the same site is nice and I would like to see it happen, but it is not needed. I a LOC in my heart and nothing can take that away. I will always be a LOC and I will pass on what I have learned from all of you. Because I have learn something for all of you, even the quiet ones and I am united with all of you. I do not need to be online to be a Jedi or to teach others or to be united. Be a LOC is something in your heart, something that you feel in everyday life, something that your not afraid to share and stand with another person about. If you do not think the LOC are united, then you are missing the big picture and doubt yourself. Yes, you doubt yourself, you doubt unity, and you doubt the Lexus.

Need futher explantion? Then leave your questions and doubts, and I will explain better on them. As always this is merely my point of view and I welcome your comments. It allows me to expand on what was not clear and add that which was left out. So, what doubts or comments do you have?

May the Force be with you in your quest.


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your a sad sad man Evista..

but have a look in the Jedi Council section,, where people are asking for a jedi to teach them.. i sh'i't'e you not if i was a naughty naughty man i would seek a padwin for myself to 'teach'

soem of the topics there are:-

If anyone can teach me no matter how big or small the lesson

Searching for a Master

Im am new, i wish to be trained.

Student in search of a Teacher

I seek the approval to take on a Padawan.

perhaps we should have an undercover LOC infiltrate the forum and work in soem dark side magic..

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Glad you don't speak for the rest of the members evista! :o

Hope I don't offend anyone when i say that i will not be attending the meet at the 'camp site' come hell or high water!

Personally, i think they're Nucking Futs! :P :hehe: :P

But that's their way of life, and who am i to judge them. :yawn::yawn:


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