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I had a feeling that some would not get where I'm coming from. To the posters who seem to be in denial that some people have blue badges who do not need them, please credit me with some intelligence. I'm aware that some medical conditions are not obvious, and I'm not talking about people using shopping trolleys to support them. I'm talking about the people who so obviously do not fit the criteria "having a substantial disability which causes inability to walk or very considerable difficulty in walking" it is ludicrous.

I have worked with people with various disabilities, injuries and illnesses, including assessing them and helping them return to work and know a little about this. and many people in my area are abusing the system, it may be different in your area although I doubt it. The damage these people do is twofold. They take up spaces which are then denied people with genuine mobility issues, and they also increase the potential for the able bodied to disregard disabled markings and park inconsiderately by reducing levels of empathy for the genuine. Not something I would do, but one reason, perhaps why people do it. I would not like to put a percentage on those who are abusing the system, but I reckon most would be astonished how high it is (disregarding those who use relatives' blue badges etc. which takes it even higher). If in doubt, take note next time you go shopping etc.

Strangely, I have noticed that some people with the most severe disabilities sometimes seem to be more determined to be independent and don't even appear to have applied for blue badges. I sometimes see them really struggling from the far reaches of the car park, even when disabled spaces are available.

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Try this string to see an ongoing RANT!!

Always fun!

Cant find that through the link, registered and still cant find it but in the meantime here is one for all the law abiding motorist able or disabled to warm your heart and to see someone get payback.
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........... I used to find it brilliant when taking my late dear old mum local shopping, opticians, hearing aid shop, pharmacy, bank, post office etc etc just to be able to park on a double yellow outside and feel a little smug .......... with her blue badge of course ............. and when she was about 91 then . and a few years prior too ( and in a wheelchair often )

Two proverbial fingers to the traffic wardens gave me a sense of a little empowerment, reversing the usual feeling.


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I had a feeling that some would not get where I'm coming from. To the posters who seem to be in denial that some people have blue badges who do not need them, please credit me with some intelligence. I'm aware that some medical conditions are not obvious, and I'm not talking about people using shopping trolleys to support them. I'm talking about the people who so obviously do not fit the criteria "having a substantial disability which causes inability to walk or very considerable difficulty in walking" it is ludicrous.

I have worked with people with various disabilities, injuries and illnesses, including assessing them and helping them return to work and know a little about this. and many people in my area are abusing the system, it may be different in your area although I doubt it. The damage these people do is twofold. They take up spaces which are then denied people with genuine mobility issues, and they also increase the potential for the able bodied to disregard disabled markings and park inconsiderately by reducing levels of empathy for the genuine. Not something I would do, but one reason, perhaps why people do it. I would not like to put a percentage on those who are abusing the system, but I reckon most would be astonished how high it is (disregarding those who use relatives' blue badges etc. which takes it even higher). If in doubt, take note next time you go shopping etc.

Strangely, I have noticed that some people with the most severe disabilities sometimes seem to be more determined to be independent and don't even appear to have applied for blue badges. I sometimes see them really struggling from the far reaches of the car park, even when disabled spaces are available.

1st no its you who are missing the point if your not disabled why do you care who parks in these bays and yes just becaue some of us are disabled doesn't mean we are stupid (although we do sometimes get treated that way) Yes there are some people who DO abuse the Blue Badge but a survey revealed that its not as many as ablebodied people & this government would have us think. Now not only do they require your doctors written confirmation they also now require evidencxe that you are receiving the highest rate of DLA before they'll issue a permit

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I had a feeling that some would not get where I'm coming from. To the posters who seem to be in denial that some people have blue badges who do not need them, please credit me with some intelligence. I'm aware that some medical conditions are not obvious, and I'm not talking about people using shopping trolleys to support them. I'm talking about the people who so obviously do not fit the criteria "having a substantial disability which causes inability to walk or very considerable difficulty in walking" it is ludicrous.

I have worked with people with various disabilities, injuries and illnesses, including assessing them and helping them return to work and know a little about this. and many people in my area are abusing the system, it may be different in your area although I doubt it. The damage these people do is twofold. They take up spaces which are then denied people with genuine mobility issues, and they also increase the potential for the able bodied to disregard disabled markings and park inconsiderately by reducing levels of empathy for the genuine. Not something I would do, but one reason, perhaps why people do it. I would not like to put a percentage on those who are abusing the system, but I reckon most would be astonished how high it is (disregarding those who use relatives' blue badges etc. which takes it even higher). If in doubt, take note next time you go shopping etc.

Strangely, I have noticed that some people with the most severe disabilities sometimes seem to be more determined to be independent and don't even appear to have applied for blue badges. I sometimes see them really struggling from the far reaches of the car park, even when disabled spaces are available.

1st no its you who are missing the point if your not disabled why do you care who parks in these bays and yes just becaue some of us are disabled doesn't mean we are stupid (although we do sometimes get treated that way) Yes there are some people who DO abuse the Blue Badge but a survey revealed that its not as many as ablebodied people & this government would have us think. Now not only do they require your doctors written confirmation they also now require evidencxe that you are receiving the highest rate of DLA before they'll issue a permit

Hi Jon, Can you point us in the direction of this survey you quoted? I would be interested in the figures.Mike

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I had a feeling that some would not get where I'm coming from. To the posters who seem to be in denial that some people have blue badges who do not need them, please credit me with some intelligence. I'm aware that some medical conditions are not obvious, and I'm not talking about people using shopping trolleys to support them. I'm talking about the people who so obviously do not fit the criteria "having a substantial disability which causes inability to walk or very considerable difficulty in walking" it is ludicrous.

I have worked with people with various disabilities, injuries and illnesses, including assessing them and helping them return to work and know a little about this. and many people in my area are abusing the system, it may be different in your area although I doubt it. The damage these people do is twofold. They take up spaces which are then denied people with genuine mobility issues, and they also increase the potential for the able bodied to disregard disabled markings and park inconsiderately by reducing levels of empathy for the genuine. Not something I would do, but one reason, perhaps why people do it. I would not like to put a percentage on those who are abusing the system, but I reckon most would be astonished how high it is (disregarding those who use relatives' blue badges etc. which takes it even higher). If in doubt, take note next time you go shopping etc.

Strangely, I have noticed that some people with the most severe disabilities sometimes seem to be more determined to be independent and don't even appear to have applied for blue badges. I sometimes see them really struggling from the far reaches of the car park, even when disabled spaces are available.

1st no its you who are missing the point if your not disabled why do you care who parks in these bays and yes just becaue some of us are disabled doesn't mean we are stupid (although we do sometimes get treated that way) Yes there are some people who DO abuse the Blue Badge but a survey revealed that its not as many as ablebodied people & this government would have us think. Now not only do they require your doctors written confirmation they also now require evidencxe that you are receiving the highest rate of DLA before they'll issue a permit

Hi Jon, Can you point us in the direction of this survey you quoted? I would be interested in the figures.Mike

Sorry, I thought this thread was open for anyone to air an opinion if they wish, not just the disabled. My mistake

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I had a feeling that some would not get where I'm coming from. To the posters who seem to be in denial that some people have blue badges who do not need them, please credit me with some intelligence. I'm aware that some medical conditions are not obvious, and I'm not talking about people using shopping trolleys to support them. I'm talking about the people who so obviously do not fit the criteria "having a substantial disability which causes inability to walk or very considerable difficulty in walking" it is ludicrous.

I have worked with people with various disabilities, injuries and illnesses, including assessing them and helping them return to work and know a little about this. and many people in my area are abusing the system, it may be different in your area although I doubt it. The damage these people do is twofold. They take up spaces which are then denied people with genuine mobility issues, and they also increase the potential for the able bodied to disregard disabled markings and park inconsiderately by reducing levels of empathy for the genuine. Not something I would do, but one reason, perhaps why people do it. I would not like to put a percentage on those who are abusing the system, but I reckon most would be astonished how high it is (disregarding those who use relatives' blue badges etc. which takes it even higher). If in doubt, take note next time you go shopping etc.

Strangely, I have noticed that some people with the most severe disabilities sometimes seem to be more determined to be independent and don't even appear to have applied for blue badges. I sometimes see them really struggling from the far reaches of the car park, even when disabled spaces are available.

1st no its you who are missing the point if your not disabled why do you care who parks in these bays and yes just becaue some of us are disabled doesn't mean we are stupid (although we do sometimes get treated that way) Yes there are some people who DO abuse the Blue Badge but a survey revealed that its not as many as ablebodied people & this government would have us think. Now not only do they require your doctors written confirmation they also now require evidencxe that you are receiving the highest rate of DLA before they'll issue a permit

Hi Jon, Can you point us in the direction of this survey you quoted? I would be interested in the figures.Mike

Sorry, I thought this thread was open for anyone to air an opinion if they wish, not just the disabled. My mistake

Sorry Hugh, did I miss something?

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Free speech is for everyone not just the disabled & your opinions (with which I disagree) are as valid as mine. Working with the disabled the sick etc may give you some insight into their/our world but unless you're disabled with very limited mobility then sorry but you'll never be able to fully understand what its like.

Its utter Carp and IDS has made it acceptable to attack/slander the sick the unemployed and the disabled. For Gods sake people are dying because of his policies. The man is a not just a disgrace to parliament he's also a disgrace to the human race.

As a footnote it appears his CV ain't all its cracked up to be by that I mean its alleged that much of it is untrue ie Uni, Army etc etc So when he quotes statistics to justify himself and this governments policies they never stack up

As for the survey I referred too as it was quite some time ago may I suggest you try Googling it ?

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"IDS has made it acceptable to attack/slander the sick the unemployed and the disabled."

That is definitely bollix.

I think there is universal support for the idea of supporting those not able to support themselves.

But there are legitimate questions to be asked before handing out financial support.

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It isn't bollix You like him are denying the evidence & he's trying to hide it by refusing to publish the deaths which occured AFTER benefits were withdrawn from the disabled As for the questions need to be asked, do you have any idea how difficult it is to obtain disability benefit. Apart from the many months (10 in my case) they contact not only your Dr but also your Consultant and still have another Dr examine you. This is AFTER you've completed a 39 page questionair which if you make just one mistake they'll refuse your claim. You can appeal but again that can take months before you're heard ..........unless of course you choose to believe IDS as in his world everything is fine and dandy

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Right lets firstly keep this enlightening thread polite or it will end up leaving bad feeling and being locked.

Everyone is entitled to their point of view and to express them freely but politely.

Right Jon, I assume you are referring to some of the surveys that have been conducted amongst several supermarkets. BB bays are not covered by law or come to that any other bay on private land. Anyone can park in them and there is very little chance the supermarkets will say anything to you as they are not about losing customers by telling them they shouldn't park there so their figures are very likely to be flawed. This also covers Parent/child bays which I think have diluted the validity of the Dis bays.

On the highways which is where the law of the land applies are those on public roads and any other land that comes under the Highways departments.

These bays are constantly abused by people who fraudulently use the BB and by those who are only going to be a couple of mins while they go into the bank or to get a loaf of bread. Leaving the hazard warning lights on negates any wrong doing.

No figures as far as I know have ever been collated as to the measure of this abuse. The Police and councils have constantly turned the other way when this crime is being committed. Very few councils send out wardens/police the problem. A couple of councils have had a blitz on BB fraud and DB abuse and this is only done when TV cameras are around so that we can see what a wonderful council they are, what you cant see is the bad news that's going out the backdoor and you wont get to hear about.

Until this country gets off its backside and polices this country properly with police walking YES! walking the streets then the only thing that will happen is the problem will just get worse.

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I also agree that Ian Duncan Smith should take up fishing and maybe a game of bingo every fortnight rather than sitting in Westminster.

I seem to have open a can of worms here, I didn't start this topic to have a discussion about who's wrong or right.

Maybe it's best if admin deletes this topic and we all continue to post about the many, many faults of the Lexus Ls :)

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I also agree that Ian Duncan Smith should take up fishing and maybe a game of bingo every fortnight rather than sitting in Westminster.

I seem to have open a can of worms here, I didn't start this topic to have a discussion about who's wrong or right.

Maybe it's best if admin deletes this topic and we all continue to post about the many, many faults of the Lexus Ls :)

You did start with the abuse of a disabled parking space so its still within subject. Its a subject that always brings forward lots of ideas, theories and beliefs. Mike.

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It isn't bollix You like him are denying the evidence & he's trying to hide it by refusing to publish the deaths which occured AFTER benefits were withdrawn from the disabled As for the questions need to be asked, do you have any idea how difficult it is to obtain disability benefit.

I can't comment on your personal experience, but if it's so hard, how come so many people manage it?

Young people in the UK are twice as likely as their counterparts in other rich countries to be so seriously ill or incapacitated that they cannot work and must live off disability benefits, an international study on welfare has found.

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It isn't bollix You like him are denying the evidence & he's trying to hide it by refusing to publish the deaths which occured AFTER benefits were withdrawn from the disabled As for the questions need to be asked, do you have any idea how difficult it is to obtain disability benefit.

I can't comment on your personal experience, but if it's so hard, how come so many people manage it?

Young people in the UK are twice as likely as their counterparts in other rich countries to be so seriously ill or incapacitated that they cannot work and must live off disability benefits, an international study on welfare has found.

I rest my case. Amazing the correlation between disability rates in different countries and benefit rates. Lexmanic misses the point yet again. To defend my position once more, I have been temporarily disabled, with chronic, severe pain and mobility problems after a serious injury as a fireman. My doctor was called out more than once because I could not get off the floor due to the pain and it took me 8 months to get back to work. Even if I hadn't experienced that, it does not mean that I am unable to empathise with someone with disabilities. You need to read posts more carefully. At no point have I had a pop at the disabled. I have had a pop at those who pretend they're disabled, or exaggerate their problems to get a blue badge. If you have been through the mill during the evaluation process, it's because they are trying to weed out the fakers. Unfortunately the fakers are very , very good at fooling assessors and doctors and it tends to be the genuine ones who suffer.

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It isn't bollix You like him are denying the evidence & he's trying to hide it by refusing to publish the deaths which occured AFTER benefits were withdrawn from the disabled As for the questions need to be asked, do you have any idea how difficult it is to obtain disability benefit.

I can't comment on your personal experience, but if it's so hard, how come so many people manage it?

Young people in the UK are twice as likely as their counterparts in other rich countries to be so seriously ill or incapacitated that they cannot work and must live off disability benefits, an international study on welfare has found.

I have now had a chance of reading the Guardian piece and the things that come to mind are first of all there are no figures given for the size of the survey and of course you can make survey figures come up with just about anything that serves your argument.

About 15/20 years ago it was a well known practice in job centers up and down the UK to push people onto Sickness Benefit this made the jobless figures look as though they were going down and of course made the government of the day look good look good.

People that have lived amongst families who have always been on benefits of one kind or another are almost certainly going to end up on benefits so you can expect even more to end up that way.

If you receive the higher rate of DLA and its awarded for life you only have to fill out that form of many pages once after which you BB is automatically renewed on the receipt of £10.

I recently saw a TV program only last week where those who don't give a damn about leading an honest life will fill forms in for you which will guarantee you get a BB for a few hundred pounds, together with many hundreds of other dishonest ways to get hold of DSS payments and BB untill we crack down with massive fines and other types of sentencing this country will just get worse, I am sorry to say. Mike.

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The reasons why some of us, who are still able-bodied, get upset at people who abuse Disabled Parking bays are manifold (to keep this on a motoring theme)

But how about:

1. Many of us know people who have a disability and sympathise.

2. Today I'm fit and healthy - but tomorrow............


3. People who abuse Disabled Parking bays (probably) beat their wives and kids........kick their dogs.......and break wind in public!

Just my opinion :)

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I once worked with a colleague (who happened to be a foreign nurse from a very hot country, shall we say) who, it wouldn't surprise me, passed her test by handing the tester a brown envelope stuffed with cash, because she was absolutely hopeless at parking her car. She caused damage to other colleages' vehicles on a regular basis because of her incompetance in the workplace car park. I know for certain she was NOT disabled. My point is this; one day to avoid further abuse over her abysmal parking, she miraculously began deploying a Disabled permit/badge, thus easing her predicament. I don't know to this day how she obtained it, but there is definite corruption and abuse out there. This is the kind of thing us fortunate able- bodied people are bleeting on about. Oh, and one more thing-- What many, many faults Rudy? My LS has been the most fault free car I've ever had!

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The reasons why some of us, who are still able-bodied, get upset at people who abuse Disabled Parking bays are manifold (to keep this on a motoring theme)

But how about:

1. Many of us know people who have a disability and sympathise.

2. Today I'm fit and healthy - but tomorrow............


3. People who abuse Disabled Parking bays (probably) beat their wives and kids........kick their dogs.......and break wind in public!

Just my opinion :)

That echoes my answer to the person who asked "why do you care who parks in disabled bays?"

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