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I Don't Believe It (said In The Voice Of Victor Meldrew)

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Went shopping today at asdas and parked in disabled bays (youngest entitled to to it) came out to find offside rear passenger door scraped and a HUGE 1.5ft dent on it.....

Witness said a works van pulled in and driver ran into shop and came back out and turned to sharply and front off his bumper hit my car, then driver stopped looked at damage then shot off sharpish... Unfortunately witness was a older gentleman with poor eyesight and didn't get reg plate plus no CCTV footage at store.......GUTTED

Only had the one quote so far and it's not as bad as I thought (£400+)but still a bill I didn't need to be coughing up

Having problems uploading photo

I've spent a while with my electric polisher and got 3/4s of scuffs out even tried pulling dent out with suction cups and the YouTube trick of heating dent up gentle then cooling down rapidly with compressed air but didn't work for me 😟😟😟

I'll try again to upload a pic of damage....

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:tsktsk: Oh NO! Sorry about this!

Hit and run drivers should be heated up with a blow torch and rapidly cooled down with compressed air :angry:

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Every LS I've had has been dented

1. Mrs drove it THRU my garage mk2 LS400 repair cost in excess of £2k

2. Rear offside passenger door hit in hospital car park and dented and scrapes into metal mk4 LS400 repair cost £560

3. And again rear offside door (I'm jinxed with offside door) lol LS600hl

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so sorry to hear of your hit and run experience, it's so devastating ....... same happened to me with the Mazda last year, actually watched the huge van reverse into the drivers door while it was parked so I went chasing off after them on foot ......... they paid cash in the end for the repair but I don't doubt for one minute that they would have just " legged " it given the opportunity !!!


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What can I say? Absolutely sickening - more so because the culprit legged it.

Years ago, I had the rear end of my beloved Alfa 2000 Spider totalled at a stop sign. A guy in a builder's lorry drove straight into the back of me. His excuse?............'I was trying to get a really close look'!!!!!

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The Police (if they can be bothered) would be able to positively identify the culprit from the paint deposits left on the respective vehicles.

You should definitely report this as a hit-and-run. Might be too late if you've removed the scuffs.

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The Police (if they can be bothered) would be able to positively identify the culprit from the paint deposits left on the respective vehicles.

You should definitely report this as a hit-and-run. Might be too late if you've removed the scuffs.

................... do you really think the police would bother, generally, as it's in a supermarket carpark maybe !!!


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The police probably won't want to know, which is just wrong. If someone mugged you for £400 in cash, they would take an interest. I would be fuming and it would take me days if not weeks to calm down about that. If I caught someone doing it, I'd probably end up in court. What may be worth a try is if you have any local Facebook community sites, you could ask if anyone saw anything. I would also ask if I could put a notice up in the store. Obviously nobody would note a registration number, but they could potentially notice a sign written van, or even recognise the person. Also, I would definitely contact the police, are there any cctv cameras near the store? You have a description of the van presumably.

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i have a dash cam and yes it records when parked up if car dunted..... Unfortunately my dash cam was in my flipping bag as I take it with me in my lorry and had packed my bags ready to go away for a week or two (flipping nugget I am lol) even still it would of caught the event as I was parked with front inwards so wouldn't of captured any footage, I'm getting the front and rear dash cams fitted in a week and will stay in car and one I've got just now will stay with me for work

Ref CCTV and police... Stores outside CCTV wasn't on and coppers reckon I've no chance as it was seemingly a plain white van... Police did say thes travellers up our way at moment and a possibility it was one of them(now I'm not keen on travellers but why would police think it was them... Think they dislike them more than me

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